
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jumbo Jet

The Boeing 747, the original "Jumbo Jet."
Because the 747 was representative of so many "firsts" in so many categories, first "wide-body airliner," first to use the "twin-aisle concept," and the first airliner to use "quiet technology high bypass turbofan engines," this particular aircraft is often and rightfully referred to as a jetliner for these among other reasons which follow. Among some of the other features that make this particular wide-body distinct from wide-bodies designed later are:
Triple decks - the lowest used by some airlines for galleys as well as cargo
Distinctive profile - unique hump over forward fuselage made this airliner easily distinguishable from others to the average traveler
First "super-transport jet" as opposed to first "super-sonic transport jet," of the free world or communist world.


ammuthalib May 8, 2008 at 9:57 PM  

cool collections u have man...

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